Author of 'Do I have to be good all the time?' wondering about life, love and awkward moments. A lot of of awkward moments, actually. And sometimes chocolate. You have been warned…

Monthly Archives: January 2019

I’m delighted to let you know Relatable: Exploring God, Love and Connection in the Age of Choice is nearly here!

relatable - approved coverYou can pre-order it this very minute from WaterstonesWorderyEden, Amazon in the US  to be one of the first to read it when it appears in May. Here’s what the book is about: relationships are changing, and the church is struggling to keep up. Many Christians are adrift, faced with a faith culture far removed from their experiences and a faith that finds itself in interesting times: diverging theologies, reports of a shrinking church, and unequal numbers of women and men. Technology is changing how people meet and match, loneliness is increasing, and norms of dating, family, sex, marriage, work, and life are evolving. What is the future for relationships between men and women? What will singleness and marriage look like? Relatable hopes to provide answers and start conversations.


1-relatable - magenta background fb-003Exploring science, sociology, history, theology, and the many, many messages circulating in society and church culture about men, women and relationships (spoiler: some of them are pretty wild…), Relatable looks at the history of marriage (spoiler: even wilder), and why Christians are prone to promote coupling up as the ultimate achievement. From Old Testament polygamy to Samantha the sex robot, changing perceptions of singleness, sexual hang ups and celibacy, why dating looks different when it happens through a screen, whether women and men really are so different, who doesn’t go to church and why, and whether churches can be part of the answer in creating supportive communities.

If you’re one of the almost 1500 people who contributed to the early stages of the book, sharing experiences and opinions with the Real Life Love survey, huge thanks. I’m honoured you’ve trusted me with your stories and shared your wisdom.

Please do get in touch if you’re interested in hosting an event or conversation about modern relationships or with any media enquiries: